
Matchbox Yenta thoughtfully matches Jewish adults, primarily in their 20s, 30s, and 40s. Clients are intelligent, attractive professionals who are ready to find what they've been looking for.

Still searching for the one?

Looking to rendezJew?

Schedule a meeting with Matchbox Yenta.

Hi! Sheri here, the yenta. Partnership can add tremendous joy and support to one's life so I have always tried to bring people together. Whether combining groups of friends or organizing social events for colleagues, matchmaking has always been a passion. My technique is a combination of science and intuition. I truly care about my clients, and I am happy when they are happy. I have the intuition — and the matches — to ignite relationships.

Never worked with a matchmaker before? Don’t worry.

After completing the form on the 'Get Started' form, I will contact you within 2 weeks to schedule a meeting. During the meeting I will learn everything I can about you and what you're looking for. When I find a good match, I will require the consent of both clients before moving forward. If both parties agree, I will make the introduction and the clients will schedule a date. Following the date, I will ask for feedback from both clients.

3 reasons to try Matchbox Yenta:

  1. Our ancestors used matchmakers to arrange "shidduchs" (matches) for generations, and in some Jewish circles, eligible singles still use this process and couples are happier than the rest of us. There is something special and magical about a thoughtful, intuitive match.

  2. I provide a personalized, genuine service. I enjoy bringing people together and I want to match Jews who will one-day get married and eventually make Jewish babies.

  3. You have nothing to lose.

Be nice.

I do my best to only accept respectable, caring clients. In order to put their best foot forward, clients should be grounded and confident. Chivalry is alive and well, and I encourage clients to be mensch-like. A chivalrous mensch will open the door, pick up the tab, and end the date by saying, 'thank you.'

Disclaimer: to keep the matchmaking service affordable, I do not perform background checks.