paving the way through freelance consulting and community leadership
Can I support your work in educational equity or 21st century Judaism or your journey through infertility?
Equity in Education
Many of the projects described below were completed through my roles at America Achieves, Cambiar Education, Teach Plus, and TNTP.
Buffalo: Buffalo Commons Charter School is an academically rigorous, creative, and collaborative K-8 learning community that uses research-based teaching practices and innovative programming to eliminate the opportunity gap and to prepare a diverse student body for successful lives that strengthen their communities. As the founding board chair I was instrumental in designing the school, securing approval and chartering from the State University of New York, and recruiting and leading the founding board of trustees. (2016-2021)
Dallas: In partnerships with Dallas Independent School District and Richardson Independent School District, I designed and facilitated 20+ hours of teacher training and professional development and provided technical assistance to the districts to prepare for curriculum rollout and conduct ongoing course evaluation and revision. (2019-2020)
Louisiana: In partnership with the Louisiana Department of Education, my team worked with 25 teachers and principals from across the state to develop a new, innovative career exploration course serving 30,000+ students. I provided technical assistance to the state to train teachers, prepare for curriculum rollout, and conduct ongoing course evaluation and revision. (2018-2019)
New York: To support the work of The Education Trust—New York, I conducted teacher interviews to learn about their educator preparation experiences in New York State. My research informed the writing of The First Frontier of Equity: Improving Data Transparency, Availability & Usefulness in Teacher Preparation to Support Future Teachers… and Their Students. (2018)
National: I designed, built, and facilitated in-person and virtual professional development for national and state-wide educator fellowships. I cultivated dynamic, cohesive learning environments to help 1,000+ practicing educators build on their classroom expertise to understand the larger context and have a greater impact. Professional development topics included: Publishing Your Message Through Opinion Writing and Social Media; Partnering with Business, Industry, and Community; and Crafting and Influencing Policy. (2014-2019)
New York: As the founding program manager for the New York Educator Voice Fellowship, I empowered over 100 teachers and principals to advocate for better policy. My leadership resulted in 1,000+ campaign activities including advising the New York State Education Department, launching Bring Your Legislator to School Day, and publishing op-eds in The Atlantic, the Washington Post, and on the front page of the New York Post for two consecutive years. (2014-2016)
Washington, DC: At Teach Plus, I supported the development of teaching policy fellows, focused on impactful improvements to education policy, and teacher leader teams, focused on school improvement and turnaround. I also helped create the organization's national "core collaborative" program by leading an 8-person team of educators to facilitate professional learning for 120+ local teachers. (2013-2014)
National: I supported TNTP's city- and state-wide teaching fellows programs by screening, interviewing, and evaluating over 1,500 teacher candidates. (2008-2014)
21st Century Judaism
The work and leadership described below was largely in conjunction with my roles as a board member (2017-2021) and executive committee member (2019-2021) for the Buffalo Jewish Federation.
Strategy: Through my work as a board member for the Bureau of Jewish Education, the vice chair and then chair of LiNK Jewish Buffalo (formally the Center for Jewish Engagement and Learning) I helped develop the plan to merge the two organizations. As the chair, I lead the team at LiNK to develop strategic goals and a robust annual survey. (2016-2021)
Engagement: I served on a task force to collective plan a community-wide conference about Jewish engagement — the cultivation of relationships to support people in building a relevant form of Jewish life that places the person—not an organization—at the center. (2018)
Experience: As part of the leadership team, I helped plan the first Buffalo Israel Experience helping 80+ adults between the ages of 20 and 90 have a meaningful and engaging visit to Israel. (2018)
Start-up: In partnership with other community leaders, I chaired and helped build Nickel City Jews, an organization for young adult engagement. (2016-2017)
Navigating Infertility, Pregnancy, Childbirth & Parenthood
Blog coming soon.
I recently shared our story not to seek empathy, but with the hope that I can help other couples experiencing infertility feel less alone, embrace their emotions, and feel empowered to advocate for themselves. For this week’s ‘Jewish thought,’ I offer two suggestions for how you can be supportive to those in your circles who are trying to fulfill one of our most important mitzvot: to be fruitful and multiply.